Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Zarathushtra, a messenger or a philosopher
                  By Maziar August 1999
               Edited; May 2013

   In contrast to most major religions of the world, which are based on “faith”, Zarathustra’s doctrine is based on logic. His philosophy was so far ahead of time that a large number of Zoroastrian scholars, in different periods of time since its foundation, have fallen into the trap of the “newer is better” mentality. Whenever a new ideology or philosophy (mostly religious) came into perspective, in order to keep up with the “progress”, they injected a few of those ideologies into Zarathushtra’s doctrine. Unfortunately, this practice has changed the foundation of the Zoroastrian doctrine.

     It is interesting to know that with the advancement of science in last few centuries, many of those so-called newer progressive philosophies and hypotheses were proven wrong. This not only discredited the religions that introduced those hypotheses, but it also tarnished the image of Zoroastrianism for being influenced by it.

It is very encouraging to see that efforts are being made to purify Zoroastrianism from these influences by returning strictly to the Gothic doctrine (Zarathushtra’s writing), which coexist with science.

     According to the Gathas  all the laws of nature combined together will create a force, or an intelligence. Zarathustra calls this intelligence Hasty-e Kherad, or Ahura Mazda in Avestan language, which determines and maintains the world order. He named this world order “Asha”, meaning "truth", or "law" in Avestan (the mother thong of Zarathushtra).

Zarathushtra did not have supernatural power, nor did he claim to have one. After he chose seclusion and observed the nature for ten years, he came to understand that there is an order that is governing the world not a supernatural being that people of that era used to believe. He called that world order “Asha”. 
     According to the Gathas, the universe is dynamic; the universe is constantly progressing in accordance with the laws of nature. And Zarathustra urges his followers try to understand Hasty-e Kherad and to keep up with the progress through strive for knowledge.

If the universe is dynamic and in constant progress, then that means if we go back in time, the universe must have been in more concentrated and a more simpler form, and eventually had a simple beginning.

      Edwin Hubble  the American astrophysicist, in early 20th century mathematically proved that the universe is constantly expanding at a rapid rate. Based on this finding, Hubble and many other scientists concluded that the universe had a beginning, and theory of Big Bang was born.

In recent years, after more than half a century of research since Hubble's finding, scientists were able to calculate the speed of the expansion of the universe and estimated its age at about 13 billion years.

According to Big Bang theory galaxies and stars are constantly interacting and forming new galaxies, stars, and planets (dynamic universe).

     Professor Stephen Hawking, Dean of the School of Astrophysics and mathematics at Cambridge University, concluded in his famous book “A Brief History of Time and Space” that our universe was formed at the time of the Big Bang along with all the laws of nature. He further indicates that these laws have remained the same through the present time without any changes or interference. He also stated that if god had created the universe, he had done it at the time of the Big Bang and left it alone since. Meaning if there is a god, it has no effect on the order of our universe.

     As we can see, these scientific findings are in complete agreement with Zarathustra’s doctrine of the formation and progressive nature of the universe (dynamic universe). Based on this reasoning, I am in disagreement with those Zoroastrian scholars who refer to Zarathustra as a “messenger” instead of a philosopher. The term “messenger” in our society reflects to the theory of creation by Abraham.

According to Abraham universe is static; supposedly some times after the Big Bang, god had interfered in the order of the universe and created humans and other creatures within six days. Then, because Adam and Eve disobeyed the creator, God exiled them from heaven and excommunicated them and consequently he had designated “messengers” in order to keep in-touch with humans. A few sects believe that he then went to bed and will wake up on seventh day.
     In my opinion, the term “messenger” that does not fit into Zarathustra’s thinking, has been adopted by a few Zoroastrian scholars to keep up with the so-called “progress”-- The progress that has been proven wrong by science over and over again.

      I believe Zarathustra is a philosopher who introduced a doctrine, along with finest set of ethics to humanity in accordance and coexistence with science, without resorting to superstition.

He campaigned against Magies (the religious leaders of his time) and said “all gods are lies” and he never referred to Ahura Mazda as a god. In Avestan language, ahura means universe and mazda means intelligence. In some parts of Gathas he referred to it as Mazda Ahura as well (intelligence of the universe). In other word, it is the intelligence that exists within every matter that makes our world “dynamic” which is constantly producing, (not creating as Abrahamites came to believe). 
In other word, the two Avestan words; Ahura and Mazda has been used by Zarathushtra to describe a situation that exists in our universe but the god enthusiasts had interpreted it as a god. 
Ahura Mazda is not a god and Zarathushtra was a naturalist and was against all gods. 
Again, the two words; Ahura and Mazda, put together, describe a situation not an entity.

This makes Zarathushtra unique among philosophers as well as among religion originators. The term “messenger” not only does not fit with Zarathustra’s thinking but, in my opinion, will harm his position in human history.

Why I adamantly believe that Zarathushtra was a naturalist.

When one reads The Gathas (the parts that was written by Zarathushtra himself) one can conclude that Zarathushtra believed that; there is an order (Asha) in the universe that governs our world and he said that nothing can change or stop that order, meaning none-existing of supernatural entities or entity to interfere with that natural order.

He also reinforces that belief by instructing his followers; in order to understand the structure and configuration of the natural world (Ahura Mazda/Mazda Ahura, meaning intelligence that exists in our universe), one must strive for knowledge.

When one reads the above statement by Zarathushtra, one can figure out his line of thinking which is based on logic and scientific principle not myth.

With above in mind, if I read an article by a scholar who claims that Zarathushtra was a prophet of some god and used to believe in heaven and hell et. et., would it be logical for me to believe that claim?
By the same token, if I read "Origin of Species" and learn about Natural Selection by Charles Darwin and then read an article by a scholar who claims that Darwin was a religious man, should I believe that claim? Of course not.
Thank you.
پارسی زبانانِ گرامی: برای آشناشدن با برخی ازدگرگونیهای نا درست که موبدانِ زمانِ ساسانی در "فرهنگِ فلسفیِ ایرانی" ایجاد کرده اند را در ویدیوهای زیر از پرفسور منوچهر جمالی ببینید.






Link bellow: Professor Kaykhosro Irani explains the "philosophy of Zarathustra"

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