Saturday, July 7, 2012

To The god cravers of the world:


Belief in god has created so many miseries, not just for humans but for animals as well.

Throughout the human history, innocent animals have been slaughtered as sacrifices in billions. Innocent humans have been tortured, maimed, murdered, and displaced in millions and millions because you thought that your god is better than your victim’s god. Such a waste!

Such a misguided people you are! You and your gods, from Enn, Enlil, Zeus, and Apollo to Jehovah and Allah you all make me sick, I despise you.

Above; Enlil

< Enlil the chief god of Sumer with wife             

< Zeus

And The lesser gods: 

>As Nietzsche has said god is dead 
Yes we killed God by curing the sick, by planting kidney, heart, liver, etc. in patient’s body to keep him/her alive; the patient that your god had decided to kill.

We killed god with theory of “Natural Selection”, by excavating fossils, by inventing all kinds of gadgets that god did not want us to have. It began with the invention and manufacture of first stone tool by an unknown person over two million years ago. Since then we constantly and steadily have been choking god to death. To me and 25% of people on Earth god is dead but unfortunately it is still breathing inside the mind of other 75%, what a pity.  

Please read the followings on the subject of god and religion:

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