Saturday, December 29, 2012

Immamzadeh Relocation in Future Iran


After success of Omar in conquering Persia and some other lands in 7th century A.D. (Sadr-e Islam) several different tribes of Arabs were constantly in wars killing each other for power.

  Omar, the second successor of Mohammad, after Abu Bakr, was assassinated by an  Iranian slave named  
 داستان ابوسلیم :Piruz, (Firuz in Arabic)Please read on this blog. 
Othman, the third Khalifeh was killed by an Arab dissident, as well as Ali, the fourth Khalifeh.
 When Ali was killed, Moavieh, who at the time was the Mamlouk of Syria, designated by Ali himself, declared himself the Khalifeh #5 without any objection from Hassan the oldest son of Ali who did not have any ambition for becoming Khalifeh. Hussein the younger brother of Hassan, even though unhappy with the situation, did not raise any kind of objection. For that reason, the Ali’s clan was being, monetarily, compensated by the Khalafat establishment on a yearly basis and consequently Moavieh had ruled without any challenge.

Formation of Arab “Shiia Party” (Hizbol Shiia)

Moavieh died by natural causes. By then Hassan, the oldest son of Ali was dead, and Hussein who was waiting for such opportunity nominated himself for Khalifeh #6 but Moavieh‘s son Yazid thought that he is the legitimate successor of his own father.Shimr, who was an uncle to both Hussein and Yazid, took side with Yazid and that was when the family feud began. 

Hussein, against the advice of his own close relatives, decided in a surprise attack at the Yazid‘s family compound in Karbala, about one hundred Km into the enemy territory. He chose a time that Yazid was away. He thought that a surprise attack will give him the advantage and by the time that Yazid becomes aware, the victory would be achieved. But he found out, in a hard way, that he was wrong. 

 The surprise attack by Hussein on Yazid’s compound resulted in an initial, bloodbath, success for Hussein up to the mid day, killing everybody including women and children. But when the news reached to Yazid, who was away at the time of the attack and when the reinforcement arrived, the tied of war had changed and all 72 members of the attacking force that included a few children were slaughtered.  This event that happened in the month of Moharram is called “Fajehey Karbala” by the present day Shiia sect which is now the holiest month for Shiia sect.

As we can see there was no Iranian involvement in that family feud. As a matter of fact all Iranian residents of Arabian cities in that time were slaves with no power whatsoever. They were not considered human being by their Arab masters.

After the defeat of Ali’s tribe; "The Shiia” meaning “Hezb”, the survivors fled the Arabian Peninsula and some became refugees in Persia and died there.

Formation of Iranian Shiia sect

About a century passed until a group of Iranian dissidents, fighting the Bani Ommayeh tribe, formed a political faction formatted based on the above hundred plus years old incident and called their Party “Shiia Three Immaami”. Please read; “The concept of Baab in Shiagary” by Maziar Aptin on this blog.

Gradual Immamzadeh build-ups 

After the formation of the above sect, they gradually had found the graves of a few of those dead refugees and built mausoleums for them and called them Immamzadeh and made them sacred grounds and eventually these Immamzadeh grounds became a good source of revenue for the mullahs.
             Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad>

As time passed the number of this type of centers of revenue grew by hundreds and later-on by thousands, most of them fakes and without any historical values. But the ignorant people, mostly fourth class uneducated Iranians, are constantly  throwing their hard earned money into these fraudulently found centers.

During the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah, who was a devout Shiia, the number of Immamzadeh shrines had multiplied and since the inception of IRI in 1979, the number has grown even in a faster paste and due to the regime’s propaganda and indoctrination, the number of believers (worshipers) has increased among uneducated people and revenue has grown tremendously.
Bellow: A few made-up Immamzadehs sights in different parts of the country.

Immamzadeh Chichi

Above: The future sight of a new Immamzadeh in Mazandaran 

Immamzadeh Kashk

What should the future government of Iran do regarding Immamzadehs!

The Immamzadeh worshiping by ignorant Iranians will have a grave adverse cultural effect on Iranian society and will be passed from one generation to the next.
To stop this social malady it is wise for the future secular government of Iran to remove all these centers of frauds and symbol of backwardness from Iran and send them to Arabia that these people were supposed to be coming from.

The way to do it, without hurting the emotion of the faithfuls, is to employ a few greedy Ayatollahs and instruct them to declare that; they, simultaneously, had a dream (Khaabnama) that all Immamzadehs became homesick and like to go to their motherland and rest in peace. Since the Muslims believe in “Khaabnama” the faithfuls will fall for it.
Imam Khomeini’s shrine

I am sure that Khomeini shrine and other homemade Imams would like to follow them to the sacred places such as Karbala, Najaff, etc.                                                                                                                 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Israeli-Iranian Relationship

 Israelis are not the enemy of Iran; the mullahs perceive them as enemy based on their Arab-based religion and we the real Iranians do not forget what the 7th century Arabs had done to our advanced country, our ancestors, and our culture. For that; we despise them.

In future secular government of Iran I think that Israel could be our #1 friend because we have 2,500 years of friendship with Jewish people. They respect us for what Cyrus the Great had done for them and I respect them for their sense of loyalty. 2,500 years is a long time to remember but they still remember it. That is called; good character and character counts.

Our country is surrounded by number of backward countries, damaged by fourteen centuries of Islamic teaching, which is keeping us behind.

Iran could benefit from friendship with the Israelis; they are smart, intelligent, and an advanced nation with sense of loyalty to us and they could benefit from our friendship since they are surrounded by their Arab enemies.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is an Akhoond!

An akhooned is a Persian word for a Muslim religious leader. But I would like to generalize it and extend it to; any and all religious leaders.

In Judaism an akhoond is called rabbi, or Khakham. In Catholicism it is called; Pope, cardinal, bishop. In Protestantism is called reverent. In Islam it is called ayatollah, Shaykh-Atoleslam. In Baha’ism it is called mobbalegh.

No matter what religion an akhond represents; an akhoond is a con-artist, mostly with little wrong kind of education, that feeds on underdeveloped human mind. Because the said human brain was carefully washed during the childhood the victim could be an illiterate moron or a MBA, MD, or PhD holder.     

Thursday, November 1, 2012

گزینش نام ایران

تا اوایل قرن بیستم، مردم جهان کشور ما را با نام رسمی" پارس یا پرشین" می شناختند، اما در دوران سلطنت رضاشاه حلقه ای از روشنفکران باستان گرا مانند سعید نفیسی،محمد علی فروغی و سید حسن تقی زاده با حمایت مستقیم رضاشاه گردهم آمدند که نام کشوررا رسما به "ایران" تغییر داده وبه این منظور اقداماتی انجام دادند. بحث رجعت به ایران باستان و تاکید بر ایران پیش از اسلام قوت گرفته بود،"سعید نفیسی" از مشاوران نزدیک رضاشاه به وی پیشنهاد کرد نام کشور رسما به "ایران" تغییر یابد، این پیشنهاد در آذر ماه 1313 شمسی رنگ واقعیت به خود گرفت.
سعید نفیسی
یادداشتی را که از نظر می گذرانید، مقاله ای از سعید نفیسی در روزنامه اطلاعات است که بعد از رسمی شدن عنوان ایران، دلایل و توجیه تاریخی و فرهنگی این انتخاب را با عموم مردم در میان گذاشته است.
مقاله سعید نفیسی :
کسانیکه روزنامه های هفته گذشته را خوانده اند شاید خبر بسیار مهمی را که انتشار یافته بود با کمال سادگی برگذار کرده باشند ، خبر این بود که دولت ما به تمام دول بیگانه اخطار کرده است که از این پس در زبان های اروپایی نام مملکت ما را باید « ایران » بنویسند .
در میان اروپائیان این کلمه ایران تنها اصطلاح جغرافیائی شده بود و در کتابهای جغرافیا دشت وسیعی را که شامل ایران و افغانستان و بلوچستان امروز باشد فلات ایران می نامیدند و مملکت ما را بزبان فرانسه « پرس » و به انگلیسی « پرشیا » و به آلمانی « پرزین » و به ایتالیایی « پرسیا » و به روسی « پرسی » می گفتند و در سایر زبان های اروپایی کلماتی نظیر این چهار کلمه معمول بود .
سبب این بود که هنگامی که دولت هخامنشی را در سال 550 پیش از میلاد یعنی در 2484 سال پیش کوروش بزرگ پادشاه هخامنش تشکیل داد و تمام جهان متمدن را در زیر رایت خود گرد آورد چون پدران وی پیش از آن پادشاهان دیاری بودند که آن را « پارسا » یا « پارسوا » می گفتند و شامل فارس و خوزستان امروز بود مورخین یونانی کشور هخامنشیان را نیز بنا بر همان سابقه که پادشاهان پارسی بوده اند «پرسیس » خواندند و سپس این کلمه از راه زبان لاتین در زبان های اروپایی به « پرسی » یا « پرسیا » و اشکال مختلف آن در آمد و صفتی که از آن مشتق شد در فرانسه « پرسان » و در انگلیسی « پرشین » و در آلمان « پرزیش » و در ایتالیائی « پرسیانا » و در روسی « پرسیدسکی » شد و در زبان فرانسه « پرس » را برای ایران قدیم پیش از اسلام ( مربوط به دوره هخامنشی و ساسانی ) و « پرسان » را برای ایران بعد از اسلام معمول کردند .
تنها در میان علما و مخصوصا مستشرقین معمول شده که کلمه ایران را برای تمام علوم و تمدن های قدیم و جدید مملکت ها و نژاد ها به کار بردند و از آن در فرانسه « ایرانین » و در انگلیسی « ایرانیان » و در آلمانی « ایرانیش » صفت اشتقاق کردند و این کلمه را شامل تمام تمدن های ایران جغرافیائی امروز و افغانستان و بلوچستان و ترکستان ( تاجیکستان و ازبکستان و ترکمنستان امروز )
و قفقاز و کردستان و ارمنستان و گرجستان و شمال غربی هندوستان دانستند و به عبارت آخری یک نام عام برای تمام ممالک ایرانی نشین و یک نام خاص برای کشوری که سرحدات آن در نتیجه تجاوزهای دول بیگانه از شمال و مشرق و مغرب در نیمه اول قرن نوزدهم میلادی تعیین شده بود وضع کردند .
اما کلمه ایرانی یکی از قدیم ترین الفاظی است که نژاد آریا با خود بدایره تمدن آورده است این شعبه از نژاد سفید که سازنده تمدن بشری بوده و علمای اروپا آن را به اسم هند و اروپایی ویا نزاد هندو و ژرمنی و یا هند و ایرانی و یا هند و آریائی خوانده اند از نخستین روزی که در جهان نامی از خود گذاشته است خود را به اسم آریا نامده و این کلمه در زبان های اروپائی « آرین » به حال صفتی یعنی منسوب به آریا و آری متداول شده است .

این نژاد از یک سو از سواحل رود سند و از سوی دیگر تا سواحل دریای مغرب را فرا گرفته یعنی تمام ساکنین مغرب و شمال غربی هندوستان و افغانستان و ترکستان و ایران و قسمتی از بین النهرین و قفقاز و روسیه و تمام اروپا و آسیای صغیر و فلسطین و سوریه و تمام آمریکای شمالی و جنوبی را به مرور زمان قلمرو خود ساخته است تمام زبان های ملل مختلف آن با یکدیگر روابط و مناسبات گوناگون دارد . مام مظاهر فکر و تمدن آن با یکدیگر مربوط است . داستان ها و معتقدات آن همواره با یکدیگر پیوستگی داشته و همواره کره زمین مظهر خیر و شر آن بوده است . در اوستا که قدیم ترین آثار کتبی این نژادست ناحیه ای که نخستین مهد زندگی و نخستین مسکن این نژاد بوده است به اسم « ایران وئجه » نامیده شده یعنی سرزمین آریاها و نیز در اوستا کلمه « ابریا » برای همین نژاد ذکر شده است . همواره پدران ما به آرائی بودن می بالیده اند چنان که داریوش بزرگ در کتیبه نقش رستم خود را پارسی پسر پارسی و آرائی ( هریا ) از تخمه آریائی می شمارد و بدان فخر می کند .
در زمانی که سلسله هخامنشی تمام ایران را در زیر رایت خود در آورده معلوم نیست که مجموعه این ممالک را چه می نامیده اند زیرا که در کتیبه های هخامنشی تنها نام ایالات و نواحی مختلف قلمرو هخامنشی برده شده و نام مجموع این ممالک را ذکر نکرده اند . قطعا می بایست در همان زمان هم نام مجموع این ممالک لفظی مشتق از آرای باشد زیرا که تمام ساکنیت این نواحی خود را آریائی می نامیده اند و لفظ آریا در اسامی نجبای این ممالک بسیار دیده شده است . قدیمی ترین سند کتبی که در جهان موجود است و ضبط قدیم کلمه ایران در آن می توان یافت گفته آرا نوستن جغرافیادان معروف یونانی است که در قرن سوم پیش از میلاد می زیسته و کتاب وی از میان رفته ولی استرابون جغفرافیادان مشهور یونانی از آن نقل کرده و وی آن را « آریانا » ضبط کرده .
 از این قرار لااقل در دو هزار و دویست سال پیش این کلمه معمول بوده است .
مقاله سعید نفیسی در روزنامه اطلاعات/اول دی 1313
بنابراین قدیمی ترین نام مملکت ما همین کلمه ایران بوده یعنی نخست نام ایریا که نام نژاد بوده است نام مملکت را آبریان ساخته اند و سپس به مرور زمان ابریان ، آیران شده و در زمان ساسانیان ایران ، ایران ( به کسر اول و سکون دوم ) بدل شده است و در ضمن اران ( به کسر اول ) نیز می گفته اند . چنانکه پادشاهان ساسانی در سکه و کتیبه ها نام خود را پادشاه ایران و اران می نوشته اند و از زمان شاپور اول ساسانی در سکه ها لفظ انیران هم دیده می شود زیار که الف مفتوح در زبان پهلوی علامت نفی و تجزیه بود و انیران یعنی بجز ایران و خارج از ایران و مراد از آن ممالک دیگر بوه است که ساسانیان گرفته بودند .
در همین دوره ساسانی لفظ ایرانشهر یعنی شهر ایران ( دیار و کشور ایران ) نیز معمول بوده است و عراق را که در میان مملکت بدین اسم برده به اسم « دل ایرانشهر » می نامیدند .
کلمه ایرانشهر را فردوسی و شعرای دیگر قرن پنجم و ششم ایران نیز به کار برده اند . پس مراد از ایرانشهر تمام مملکت ساسانیان بوده است چنان که تا زمان حمدالله مستوفی قزوینی مولف نزهت القلوب که در اواسط قرن هشتم هجری بوده یعنی تا چهارصد سال پیش همین نکته رواج داشته است و وی حدود ایران را چنین معلوم می کند : از مشرق رود سند و کابل و ماوراء النهر و خوارزم ، از مغرب اران ( ماوراء قفقاز ) تا قلمرو روم و سوریه از شمال ارمنستان و روسیه و دشت قپچاق و دربند و از جنوب صحرای نجد بر سر راه مکه و خلیج فارس .
اما کلمه ایران که اینک در میان ما و اروپائیان معمول است و لفظ جدید همان کلمه ای است که در زمان ساسانیان معمول بوده در دوره بعد از اسلام همواره متداول بوده است و فردوسی ایران و ایرانشهر و ایران زمین را همواره استعمال کرده و حتی شعرای غزنوی نیز ایرانشهر و ایران را در اشعار خود آورده و پادشاهان این سلسله را خسروان این دیار دانسته اند .
پس از اینکه اروپائیان مملکت ما را در عرف زبان خود پرس یا نظائر آن می نامیدند و این عادت مورخین یونانی و رومی را رها نمی کردند چه از نظر علمی و چه از نظر اصطلاحی به هیچ وجه منطق نداشت زیرا که هرگز اسم این مملکت در هیچ زمان پراس یا کلمه ای نظیر آن نبوده و همواره پارس یا پرس نام یکی از ایالات آن بوده است که ما اینک فارس تلفظ می کنیم .
حق همین بود که ما از تمام دول اروپا خواستار شویم که این اصطلاح غلط را ترک کنند و مملکت مار ا همچنان که ما خود همواره نامیده ایم ایران و منسوب آن را ایرانی بنامند .
شکر خدای را که این اقدام مهم در این دوران فرخنده به عمل آمد و این دیاری که نخستین وطن نژاد آرای بوده است به همان نام تاریخی و باستانی خود خوانده خواهد شد .
اینک در پایان این کار مهمی که به صرفه تاریخ ایران صورت گرفته است جای آن دارد که ما نیز در میان اصطلاح باستانی زمانی ساسانی و ادبای ایران را زده کنیم و مملکت ایران را هم پس از این ایرانشهر بنویسم و بگوئیم زیرا گذشته از آن که یادگار حشمت و شکوه ساسانیان را زنده کرده ایم و دیار اردشیر بابکان و انوشیروان را بهمان نامی که ایشان خود می خوانده اند نامیده ایم که کلمه بسیط را به جای دو لفظ مرکب به کار برده ایم و امیدوارم که این پیشنهاد در همان پیشگاهی که پاسبان تمام بزرگی های گذشته و آینده ایران است پسندیده و پذیرفته آید .

تهران 10 دی ماه 1313
سعید نفیسی

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iran’s Coup d’état of 1953: 

Who was the Real Culprit; the U.S or the British?

A careful analysis of the political events in Iran from early 1951 through August of 1953 clearly indicates that the British, not the Americans, were the real reason that the democratically elected government of Dr. Mossadegh was overthrown by the infamous coup d’état of the 28th of Mordad.


As I wrote in my memoir “Reza Shah vs. Mohammad Reza Shah” here on this blog, in 1901 an English businessman by the name of William Knox D’Arcy acquired the right of petroleum exploration in Southern Iran by bribing Mozzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar. 

W. D' Arcy

Above; Mozzaffar al-Din Shah
D’Arcy paid  Mozzaffar al-Din Shah 20,000 British Pounds along with the promise of 16% of all future profits.   

When Reza Shah came to power in 1925 the government of Iran declared that the D’Arcy Agreement was not valid since the concession was made by Mozzaffar al-Din Shah as an individual and not by the constitutional government of Iran. He then proposed a new contract to be negotiated.

Based on the above reasoning, Iran had officially informed the British government of the need for a new contract to be signed, demanding a 25% share in the Anglo Persian Oil Company’s (APOC) ownership along with number of other changes to the 1901 concession.

Abdolhosain Teymurtash, Iran’s oil minister was put in charge of the negotiations. However, after several months of negotiations the British government rejected the proposal in its entirety with the exception of the name change from Anglo Persian Oil Company to Anglo Iranian Oil Company (AIOC).
At this point Reza Shah himself stepped in and declared a unilateral nullification of the D’Arcy agreement. But later-on, with the British government blockading Iran’s harbors in the Persian Gulf and giving an ultimatum of an imminent invasion, Reza Shah was forced to capitulate to Britain’s will and had to sign a new agreement that contained a 32 year extension, the original 16% profit share and no rights to audit the company’s accounting books.
In order to have a better understanding of the situation of the 1953 coup, I will take an excerpt, as follows, from “My Memoir” and also from my article; “Why most Iranians have Bittersweet Feelings toward America!”
Events of WWII in Iran, 1941-46

Until the WWII era, Americans were virtually unknown to the ordinary Iranian and consequently did not have any feelings toward them, neither positive nor negative.
In June 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union soon after Stalin had signed a treaty of alliance with Britain. In August 1941 the Allies demanded Reza Shah expel all German nationals from Iran and put the Trans-Iranian Railway and all Iranian ports entirely at their disposal.
Reza Shah responded that because Iran had already declared neutrality in the European war, Iran was thus obligated to stay neutral and subsequently refused the Allies’ demands. On August 24, 1941 (3rd of Shahrivar of 1320), the Allied forces invaded Iran simultaneously, the British from the south and the Soviets from the north. While they officially accepted Iran’s neutrality in the war, they intended to use Iran’s ports, railway system, and other facilities to transport war materials to the Soviets.
The Soviets occupied all northern states, which remained under their occupation throughout the war, and the British occupied the rest of the country. After the occupation the British demanded that Reza Shah leave the country. After some negotiating, Reza Shah accepted the exile with the condition that the Allied forces leave the country after the war was over.

The crucial role FDR played in Iran’s favor

The treaty of 1941 between Reza Shah and the Allies (the British and the Soviets) was a forced treaty and non-binding. This was cause for Iranian politicians to be worried, anticipating that after the war the two powers would not leave and would divide Iran between themselves, as they had already tried during Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar.
The United States of America entered Iran in December of 1942, alarmed by Iranian politicians; FDR became aware of the ambitions of his two allies.
Shortly afterwards the US State Department sent a memorandum to the British and the Soviets stating; "The Iranian nation has already suffered enough from the unwanted war; it is the policy of the United States to build an independent Iran, strong enough to stand up to its old imperial nemeses."

FDR of course was already aware of the passed British imperialism and he hated it. In one of his meetings with Churchill, when the British prime minister objected to the idea of giving independent to India after the war was over, FDR angrily told Churchill; you must change your 400 years of world domination mentality. Time has changed.

 With the above in mind, in November, 28-December, 1, 1943 at the “Big Three Conference” between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin in Tehran, FDR convinced the other two to sign a joint statement called the “Tehran Declaration”, guaranteeing the independence of Iran. In addition, the three parties committed themselves to withdrawing all of their troops from Iran six months after the end of the war.

Formation of Hezb-e Tudeh
(the communist party)

Before the war, Reza Shah outlawed most political activities in the country and jailed fifty-three communists. In October 1941, now freed from jail, the communists formed a party and named it Hezb-e Toodeh (“Tudeh” or “The Masses”) Party.
Shortly after the formation, party leaders were approached by the Soviets and were persuaded to join the Stalinist cause, which they did. By joining, they received considerable financial and political assistance from the Soviets, became very active in Iranian politics and were very successful in the Soviet-occupied Northern States of Iran.
Toward the final years of the war Stalin became active in pursuing his ambition of expanding the Soviet Union into part of Iran.  The Tudeh Party in Azerbaijan became more active and from there the Soviets expanded their activities into Kurdistan and gradually into all the occupied areas of Northern Iran.

The Crucial Role Harry Truman Played in Favor of Iran

Six month after the end of the war the Americans and the British moved out of Iran but the Soviets stayed and politically became even more active to a point that they had created a puppet government in Azerbaijan named (Pishehvary) which had declared the independence of Azerbaijan with Kurdistan following suit. When the Iranian troops marched toward Azerbaijan to overthrow the Pishehvary government they were stopped by the Soviet troops.
It was at this time that Harry Truman sent an ultimatum to Stalin; "either move your troops out of Iran or you will have a war against the U S on your hands" and immediately started moving the U S naval fleet toward the Indian Ocean.
Considering that the United States was the only world power with nuclear arms capabilities in this period and with the Soviets already severely damaged by the war, there was no room for hesitation for Stalin. By May 1946 (two months later than the treaty had dictated) the Soviets were out of Iran.
After their departure and the end of their direct support for the “Pishehvary”, the puppet government was not strong enough to stand against the Iranian Army and the will of the people of Azerbaijan.

Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh the Prime Minister

In 1951 Mossadegh, with the suggestion made by his cabinet member Dr. Fatemi, demanded the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry.
Dr. Mossadegh and Dr. Fatemi
At that time the AIOC was the main supplier of petroleum products for the British military and thus too important for the British to lose. Because of this they pressured Mohammad Reza Shah to fire Mossadegh and replace him with Ghavam.         
Shah had done what the British asked him to do but, after several major bloody demonstrations throughout the country, Ghavam did not last more than three months, causing Shah to put Mossadegh back in-charge.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
This series of events made Mossadegh politically much stronger because he accepted the offer under certain conditions that dramatically increased his authority.
In short, Mossadegh’s constant success towards the nationalization of Iran’s oil industry made the British very nervous, causing them to seek the overthrow of Mossadegh’s government via a coup d’état.

Britain approached the newly-founded CIA, winning their approval. However, when the proposal reached Harry Truman’s desk, he angrily rejected the idea and said; “we are not in the business of overthrowing a democratic government of a sovereign nation”.

The British then waited until 1952 when Dwight D. Eisenhower of the Republican Party was elected and resubmitted their request via the CIA to the office of the president, and Eisenhower approved the operation (“Operation AJAX”).  (For further reading on these events please read “The Persian Puzzle” by Kenneth Pollack, a high ranking ex-CIA officer)
As mentioned in my memoir, on the night of August 14, 1953, Kermit Roosevelt, Chief of the CIA station in the US Embassy in Tehran, with the cooperation of the British Intelligence apparatus, staged a failed coup against the Mossadegh administration. The next morning, upon learning of the results, Shah panicked and fled the country for Baghdad, flying from there to Rome.
At this juncture, President Eisenhower ordered the coup operation be aborted. He convinced the British to accept the nationalization of Iran’s oil and began negotiating with the Mossadegh government. Unfortunately, Dr. Mossadegh had upped his demands and asked for an additional $50 million for the financial losses incurred due to the British blockade of Iran’s southern ports which interrupted the sale of petroleum for several months.
 These increased demands gave the British the excuse to once again pressure the US government to attempt the second, successful coup. (For more details please read “Reza Shah vs. Mohammad Reza Shah” on this blog)     
Eisenhower, the sponsor of the coup
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Immediately after the coup succeeded, not only was an agreement favorable to the Anglo/American companies signed, but the name of the company, Anglo Iranian Oil Company, was changed to British Petroleum (BP). Bravo Mohammad Reza Shah.

The above episode of the British intervention in Iran’s internal affairs was only the most recent one. As I have mentioned in my memoir; during the Qajar period the British humiliated our nation and our people for two centuries.

Below is an excerpt from my memoir, on this blog: (Reza Shah vs. Mohammad Reza Shah, observed by an ex-Imperial Iranian Air Force officer)

An Example of the British Humiliating Iranians:

According to Kenneth Pollack, “The AIOC (Anglo Iranian Oil Company) was a rapacious and careless company.” “They were determined to maximize immediate profits without regard for Iran or even for the ill will they were creating for themselves. The company lied and manipulated its books to underpay the Iranian government to the tune of billions of dollars. AIOC also indulged in bribery of Iranian officials, attempted to manipulate Iranian internal policies, and armed local tribesmen in return for their support”.

“The British used to import laborers from India for unskilled jobs that Iranian laborers believed was rightfully theirs.”

“The working conditions of AIOC’s Iranian employees were unconscionable: They were paid 50 cents per day and lived in a shantytown called “Kaghazabad” (paper city) for the principal means of construction; without running water or electricity. They had no vacation, no sick leave, and no disability compensation.”

A foreign worker who worked for several years at Abadan wrote that “the Iranian AIOC workers were the poorest creatures on earth…. They lived during the seven hot months of the year under the trees…In wintertime these masses moved into big halls, built by the company, housing up to 3,000-4,000 people without walls or partitions between them. Each family occupied the space of one blanket. There were no lavatories….In debates with British colleagues we often tried to show them the mistake they were making in treating the Persians the way they did. The answer was; we English have had hundreds of years of experience on how to treat the Natives. Socialism is all right back home, but out here you have to be the master….”
Averell Harriman, visiting Abadan in 1951, cabled President Truman that “the slums he saw there were “shocking” for the housing of employees of a large Western oil company.” “The British held a completely nineteenth century colonial attitude toward Iran.”
 Yet the British, like the cat with nine lives, have avoided any retaliation from Iran and are actually close friends of the current IRI regime, while the United States has been politically ostracized for the last 33 years.

Maybe it’s because the British were using Mohammad Reza Shah cleverly in more discrete ways while, in contrast, the Americans were doing it out in the open. For example, the 1953 coup was a joint Anglo/American project with the British initiating the coup but the America taking all the credit (or all the blame, so to speak).
Similarly, in the mid-1960s,  the giving away of Bahrain to the British by the Shah did not attract much attention while in that same period, when the American advisers in Iran were awarded political immunity, the action was widely publicized by the opposition under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini. Perhaps it was due to the friendship that had existed between the British and Khomeini’s family as far back as the Qajar era.

As mentioned in my article on this blog; Why most Iranians have Bittersweet feelings Toward America”,
the U.S. participation in the 1953 coup was a gross assault on the sovereignty of Iran, and an official apology by the US government is called for. However, at the same time, the combined actions of FDR and Harry Truman during and after WWII that saved Iran from being disintegrated by the hands of the USSR and the British should not be forgotten by Iranians and deserve our appreciation

With the above in mind, if it was not because of Britain’s insistence on the second coup attempt, the Mossadegh government would not have fallen. And with the consideration that Mohammad Reza Shah had left the country voluntarily, the people of Iran would have asked for a democratic republic form of government. In that scenario we would have had a free democratic Iran today, perhaps allied with the U.S. and other advanced countries of the world.

As we can see, the real guilty party in the 1953 coup was the British, not the Americans. The Americans were simply the hired hand of the British.
Right after the infamous coup, the British were in complete control of the clean-up, the Americans were just the on-lookers.
For example; it was the British that decided Mossadegh should not be executed, concerned about a possible revolt, but Dr. Fatemi should be hanged and he was executed.

Bellow is an excerpt from My Memoir on this blog:

آیت الله زنجانی تلاش بسیاری برای جلوگیری از اعدام دکتر فاطمی می‌کند و حتی از آیت الله بروجردی هم کمک می‌خواهد و بروجردی در پاسخ او چنین می گوید: “انگلیسیها از او کینه به دل دارند، شاه هم ضعیف است کاری نمی‌شود کرد.”

دبیر شرقی سفارت انگلیس در تهران در زمان کودتا می‌نویسد «… اعدام بی رحمانه، صرفنظر از غیر انسانی بودن آن، ممکن است در مورد مصدق عاقلانه نباشد ولی شاید برای فاطمی، اگر دستگیر شود، بهترین راه حل باشد. تا زمانی که اینگونه افراد زنده هستند و در ایران به سر می برند، همیشه خطر ضد کودتا وجود دارد، شدت عمل ضروری است…»

« دکتر فاطمی قبل از اعدام گفته بوده : ما سه سال در این کشور حکومت کردیم و یک نفر از مخالفان خود را نکشتیم برای آنکه ما نیامده بودیم برادرکشی کنیم ما برای آن قیام کردیم که ایران را متحد کرده و دست خارجی را از کشور کوتاه کرده و 

P.S. In my personal opinion, historically, the British have done more harm to Iran than any other nation with the exceptions of the infamous atrocities of the invasions in the 7th century A.D. by the Arabs, and in the 13th century by the Mongols and Teymur-Lang.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

اعراب چه كردند با ايران!
From Andisheyeh Nik

در سال ۶۳۶ ميلادي اعراب مسلمان به ايران حمله کردند
متاسفانه عده‌اي نيز بر اين گمان هستند که ايرانيان با آغوش باز به استقبال اعراب شتافتند!!! به همين دليل بر آن شدم که به بخشي از آن اشاره ‌کنم .
عبدالحسين زرين کوب در کتاب دو قرن سکوت مي نويسد: فاتحان، گريختکان را پي گرفتند؛ کشتار بيشمار و تاراج گيري باندازه اي بود که تنها سيصد هزار زن و دختر به بند کشيده شدند.شست هزار تن از آنان به همراه نهصد بار شتري زر و سيم بابت خمس به دارالخلافه فرستاده شدند و در بازارهاي برده فروشي اسلامي به فروش رسيدند ؛ با زنان در بند به نوبت همخوابه شدند و فرزندان پدر ناشناخته ي بسيار بر جاي نهادند
پس از تسلط اعراب
در حمله به سيستان؛ مردم مقاومت بسيار و اعراب مسلمان خشونت بسيار کردند بطوريکه ربيع ابن زياد ( سردار عرب ) براي ارعاب مردم و کاستن از شور مقاومت آنان دستور داد تا صدري بساختند از آن کشتگان ( يعني اجساد کشته شدگان جنگ را روي هم انباشتند ) و هم از آن کشتگان تکيه گاهها ساختند؛ و ربيع ابن زياد بر شد و بر آن نشست و قرار شد که هر سال از سيستان هزار هزار ( يک ميليون ) درهم به امير المومنين دهند با هزار غلام بچه و کنيز. ( کتاب تاريخ سيستان صفحه۳۷، ۸۰ - کتاب تاريخ کامل جلد1 صفحه ۳۰۷)

در حمله اعراب به ري مردم شهر پايداري و مقاومت بسيار کردند ؛ بطوريکه مغيره ( سردار عرب ) در اين جنگ چشمش را از دست داد . مردم جنگيدند و پايمردي کردند... و چندان از آنها کشته شدند که کشتگان را با ني شماره کردند و غنيمتي که خدا از ري نصيب مسلمانان کرد همانند غنائم مدائن بود .( کتاب تاريخ طبري؛ جلد پنجم صفحه

در حمله به شاپور نيز مردم پايداري و مقاومت بسيار کردند بگونه اي که عبيدا ( سردار عرب ) بسختي مجروح شد آنچنانکه بهنگام مرگ وصيت کرد تا به خونخواهي او؛ مردم شاپور را قتل عام کنند؛ سپاهيان عرب نيز چنان کردند و بسياري از مردم شهر را بکشتند. (کتاب فارسنامه ابن بلخي؛ صفحه 116 -کتاب تاريخ طبري؛ جلد پنجم صفحه 2011)

در حمله به اليس؛ جنگي سخت بين سپاهيان عرب و ايران در کنار رودي که بسبب همين جنگ بعد ها به « رود خون » معروف گرديد در گرفت. در برابر مقاومت و پايداري سرسختانه ي ايرانيان؛ خالد ابن وليد نذر کرد که اگر بر ايرانيان پيروز گرديد « چندان از آنها بکشم که خون هاشان را در رودشان روان کنم » و چون پارسيان مغلوب شدند؛ بدستور خالد « گروه گروه از آنها را که به اسارت گرفته بودند؛ مي آوردند و در رود گردن مي زدند » مغيره گويد که « بر رود؛ آسياب ها بود و سه روز پياپي با آب خون آلود؛ قوت سپاه را که هيجده هزار کس يا بيشتر بودند؛ آرد کردند ... کشتگان ( پارسيان ) در اليس هفتاد هزار تن بود.( کتاب تاريخ طبري؛ جلد چهارم؛ صفحه
۱۴۹۱- کتاب تاريخ ده هزار ساله ايران؛ جلد دوم برگ 123)

در شوشتر؛ مردم وقتي از تهاجم قريب الوقوع اعراب با خبر شدند ؛ خارهاي سه پهلوي آهنين بسيار ساختند و در صحرا پاشيدند. چون قشون اسلام به آن حوالي رسيدند ؛ خارها به دست و پاي ايشان بنشست ؛ و مدتي در آنجا توقف کردند. پس از تصرف شوشتر ؛ لشکر اعراب در شهر به قتل و غارت پرداختند و آناني را که از پذيرفتن اسلام خودداري کرده بودند گردن زدند. (کتاب الفتوح صفحه
۲۲۳ – کتاب تذکره شوشتر؛ صفحه۱۶ )

در چالوس رويان؛ عبدالله ابن حازم مامور خليفه ي اسلام به بهانه (دادرسي ) و رسيدگي به شکايات مردم؛ دستور داد تا آنان را در مکان هاي متعددي جمع کردند و سپس مردم را يک يک به حضور طلبيدند و مخفيانه گردن زدند بطوريکه در پايان آنروز هيچ کس زنده نماند ... و ديه ي چالوس را آنچنان خراب کردند که تا سالها آباد نشد و املاک مردم را بزور مي بردند. (کتاب تاريخ طبرستان صفحه
۱۸۳ - کتاب تاريخ رويان؛ صفحه ۶۹ )

در حمله به سرخس؛ اعراب مسلمان «همه ي مردم شهر را بجز يک صد نفر ؛ کشتند . (کتاب تاريخ کامل؛ جلد سوم؛ صفحه 208و 303)

در حمله به نيشابور؛ مردم امان خواستند که موافقت شد؛ اما مسلمانان چون از اهل شهر کينه داشتند؛ به قتل و غارت مردم پرداختند؛ بطوريکه « آنروز از وقت صبح تا نماز شام مي کشتند و غارت مي کردند. (کتاب الفتوح؛ صفحه 282 (

در حمله ي اعراب به گرگان؛ مردم با سپاهيان اسلام به سختي جنگيدند؛ بطوريکه سردار عرب ( سعيد بن عاص ) از وحشت؛ نماز خوف خواند . پس از مدتها پايداري و مقاومت؛ سرانجام مردم گرگان امان خواستند و سعيد ابن عاص به آنان « امان » داد و سوگند خورد « يک تن از مردم شهر را نخواهد کشت » مردم گرگان تسليم شدند؛ اما سعيد ابن عاص همه ي مردم را بقتل رسانيد؛ بجز يک تن؛ و در توجيه پيمان شکني خود گفت: « من قسم خورده بودم که يک تن از مردم شهر را نکشم! .. تعداد سپاهيان عرب در حمله به گرگان هشتاد هزار تن بود. (کتاب تاريخ طبري جلد پنجم صفحه
۲۱۱۶ - کتاب تاريخ کامل؛ جلد سوم ؛ صفحه ۱۷۸ )

پس از فتح" استخر" (سالهاي 28-30 هجري) مردم آنجا سر به شورش برداشتند و حاکم عرب آنجا را کشتند. اعراب مسلمان مجبور شدند براي بار دوم" استخر" را محاصره کنند.مقاومت و پايداري ايرانيان آنچنان بود که فاتح "استخر" (عبدالله بن عامر) را سخت نگران و خشمگين کرد بطوريکه سوگند خورد که چندان بکشد از مردم " استخر" که خون براند. پس خون همگان مباح گردانيد و چندان کشتند خون نمي رفت تا آب گرم به خون ريختندپس برفت و عده کشته شدگان که نام بردار بودند "چهل هزار کشته " بودند بيرون از مجهولان.(کتاب فارسنامه ابن بلخي صفحه 135-- کتاب تاريخ کامل؛ جلد سوم صفحه 163)

رامهرمز نيز پس از جنگي سخت به تصرف سپاهيان اسلام در آمد و فاتحان عرب؛ بسياري از مردم را کشتند و زنان و کودکان فراواني را برده ساختند و مال و متاع هنگفتي بچنگ آوردند.(کتاب الفتوح؛ صفحه 215)

مردم کرمان نيز سالها در برابر اعراب مقاومت کردند تا سرانجام در زمان عثمان؛ حاکم کرمان با پرداخت دو ميليون درهم و دو هزار غلام بچه و کنيز؛ بعنوان خراج سالانه؛ با اعراب مهاجم صلح کردند.(کتاب تاريخ يعقوبي صفحه 62 -کتاب تاريخ طبري جلد پنجم صفحه 2116, 2118 - کتاب تاريخ کامل؛ جلد سوم صفحه 178,179)

جنايات اعراب تنها به اين شهر‌ها ختم نشده است و اينها تنها گوشه‌اي از تاراج ميهنمان به دست تازيان بود و آشکارا مقاومت ايرانيان در برابر آنان را ثابت مي‌کند. 

در کتاب عقدالفريد چاپ قاهره-جلد
۲ صفحه ۵ -سخني از خسرو پرويز نقل شده که مي گويد: اعراب را نه در کار دين هيچ خصلت نيکو يافتم و نه در کار دنيا. آنها را نه صاحب عزم و تدبير ديدم و نه اهل قوت و قدرت. آنگاه گواه فرومايگي و پستي همت آنها همين بس که آنها با جانوران گزنده و مرغان آواره در جاي و مقام برابرند .فرزندان خود را از راه بينوايي و نيازمندي مي کشند و يکديگر را بر اثر گرسنگي و درماندگي مي خورند.از خوردنيها و پوشيدنيها و لذتها و کامروانيهاي اين جهان يکسره بي بهره اند

Please read

داستان ابوسلیم
داستان کوتاه زندگی یک ایرانی
در زمان یورش تازیان

Friday, September 7, 2012

What should be the symbol of stupidity (Kharriat) in Iran!
Khar or Asp (the donkey or the horse)

Yahoo News:

BAMAKO, Mali – The minister of interior security said in a statement that 36 people were killed in a stampede Monday following a religious ceremony.
Sadio Gassame said the stampede occurred at Bamako's Modibo Keita Stadium during an event on Monday marking the Muslim holy period of Maouloud. The accident took place at the end of the ceremony as people were trying to leave and the crowd surged against a metal barrier.
Anguished families gathered outside the capital's Gabriel Toure Hospital, waiting for news as doctors were preparing to post a list of the dead.
The above story by Yahoo News was posted on the internet on Monday February 21, 2011. This is not the first time that “Stampede” occurs in Islamic gatherings.

In Saudi Arabia every year stampede occurs in “Mecca” pilgrimage and number of people get killed. The worst stampede in “Holly Mecca” (Hajj pilgrimage) happened just a few years ago when 76 people were killed and hundreds were injured.

As far as I know, among mammals, stampede happens only when cows are trying to pass through a narrow passage. They are not smart enough to wait for the cow next to them to pass.

I have seen so many western movies. The stampede usually does not happen when horses or donkeys are let go out of narrow coral gate. Cows are the only victims of their own stupidity.

For thousands of years we Iranians, , have chosen the donkey (Khar) as the symbol of stupidity. In my opinion donkeys are smarter than even horses. After you “break the horse” (Raam Kardan), the horse will obey human for the rest of its life. Even a seven years old human can ride on a horse and run it to death, you can’t do that to a donkey  the horse does not have the intelligence to say NO but the donkey says no every time to an abuse.
Khariat na tanha be jow Khordan ast 

Even though that the donkeys were domesticated by Iranians about 9,000 years ago (before horses and cows); the owner always has difficulty to put it to work. It is smart enough to say “No” to abuse every time.

Suggestion to all Iranians: 
Remove donkey from the symbol of stupidity (Khariat), also skip horse but chose the COW for that purpose, or even better; (Pilgrims to Mecca) will fit the description better. It is not fair to donkey (the Khar), nor to the horse, or even to the cow.