Saturday, December 29, 2012

Immamzadeh Relocation in Future Iran


After success of Omar in conquering Persia and some other lands in 7th century A.D. (Sadr-e Islam) several different tribes of Arabs were constantly in wars killing each other for power.

  Omar, the second successor of Mohammad, after Abu Bakr, was assassinated by an  Iranian slave named  
 داستان ابوسلیم :Piruz, (Firuz in Arabic)Please read on this blog. 
Othman, the third Khalifeh was killed by an Arab dissident, as well as Ali, the fourth Khalifeh.
 When Ali was killed, Moavieh, who at the time was the Mamlouk of Syria, designated by Ali himself, declared himself the Khalifeh #5 without any objection from Hassan the oldest son of Ali who did not have any ambition for becoming Khalifeh. Hussein the younger brother of Hassan, even though unhappy with the situation, did not raise any kind of objection. For that reason, the Ali’s clan was being, monetarily, compensated by the Khalafat establishment on a yearly basis and consequently Moavieh had ruled without any challenge.

Formation of Arab “Shiia Party” (Hizbol Shiia)

Moavieh died by natural causes. By then Hassan, the oldest son of Ali was dead, and Hussein who was waiting for such opportunity nominated himself for Khalifeh #6 but Moavieh‘s son Yazid thought that he is the legitimate successor of his own father.Shimr, who was an uncle to both Hussein and Yazid, took side with Yazid and that was when the family feud began. 

Hussein, against the advice of his own close relatives, decided in a surprise attack at the Yazid‘s family compound in Karbala, about one hundred Km into the enemy territory. He chose a time that Yazid was away. He thought that a surprise attack will give him the advantage and by the time that Yazid becomes aware, the victory would be achieved. But he found out, in a hard way, that he was wrong. 

 The surprise attack by Hussein on Yazid’s compound resulted in an initial, bloodbath, success for Hussein up to the mid day, killing everybody including women and children. But when the news reached to Yazid, who was away at the time of the attack and when the reinforcement arrived, the tied of war had changed and all 72 members of the attacking force that included a few children were slaughtered.  This event that happened in the month of Moharram is called “Fajehey Karbala” by the present day Shiia sect which is now the holiest month for Shiia sect.

As we can see there was no Iranian involvement in that family feud. As a matter of fact all Iranian residents of Arabian cities in that time were slaves with no power whatsoever. They were not considered human being by their Arab masters.

After the defeat of Ali’s tribe; "The Shiia” meaning “Hezb”, the survivors fled the Arabian Peninsula and some became refugees in Persia and died there.

Formation of Iranian Shiia sect

About a century passed until a group of Iranian dissidents, fighting the Bani Ommayeh tribe, formed a political faction formatted based on the above hundred plus years old incident and called their Party “Shiia Three Immaami”. Please read; “The concept of Baab in Shiagary” by Maziar Aptin on this blog.

Gradual Immamzadeh build-ups 

After the formation of the above sect, they gradually had found the graves of a few of those dead refugees and built mausoleums for them and called them Immamzadeh and made them sacred grounds and eventually these Immamzadeh grounds became a good source of revenue for the mullahs.
             Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad>

As time passed the number of this type of centers of revenue grew by hundreds and later-on by thousands, most of them fakes and without any historical values. But the ignorant people, mostly fourth class uneducated Iranians, are constantly  throwing their hard earned money into these fraudulently found centers.

During the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah, who was a devout Shiia, the number of Immamzadeh shrines had multiplied and since the inception of IRI in 1979, the number has grown even in a faster paste and due to the regime’s propaganda and indoctrination, the number of believers (worshipers) has increased among uneducated people and revenue has grown tremendously.
Bellow: A few made-up Immamzadehs sights in different parts of the country.

Immamzadeh Chichi

Above: The future sight of a new Immamzadeh in Mazandaran 

Immamzadeh Kashk

What should the future government of Iran do regarding Immamzadehs!

The Immamzadeh worshiping by ignorant Iranians will have a grave adverse cultural effect on Iranian society and will be passed from one generation to the next.
To stop this social malady it is wise for the future secular government of Iran to remove all these centers of frauds and symbol of backwardness from Iran and send them to Arabia that these people were supposed to be coming from.

The way to do it, without hurting the emotion of the faithfuls, is to employ a few greedy Ayatollahs and instruct them to declare that; they, simultaneously, had a dream (Khaabnama) that all Immamzadehs became homesick and like to go to their motherland and rest in peace. Since the Muslims believe in “Khaabnama” the faithfuls will fall for it.
Imam Khomeini’s shrine

I am sure that Khomeini shrine and other homemade Imams would like to follow them to the sacred places such as Karbala, Najaff, etc.                                                                                                                 

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