Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Is Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization!
By Maziar Aptin                                                                 August 7, 2013

The organization was formed in 1928 in Egypt with the goal of Islamization of, first Egypt, then the entire Arab world.

In 1940s when terrorism was not an issue in world community, the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt was making international headline as the most dangers terrorist organization in the world.
During king Farruk's reign; every now and then you would see headlines in newspapers all over the world that the Muslim Brotherhood had committed a murderous act of assassination.

After King Farruk was overthrown by a military coup, with the leadership of Major Nasser, the Brotherhood tried to assassinate Nasser. For that reason, the organization was declared as a terrorist organization and had stayed as such, not just on Egyptian government’s list but became known as a terrorist organization in international stage.
Last decade or so, the organization had modified its charter, reformed its military arm, and became more political oriented. For that reason the Egyptian people had trusted them enough to give them a narrow margin of victory in the last election. But the Brotherhood, being a radical organization by nature, wrongfully took the narrow margin of victory as a mandate and showed its real face that Egyptian people did not appreciate.

Now that the people of Egypt, by mass demonstration, have voted them out, they are showing their real terrorist nature.
As the saying goes; a snake may be able to change its color, but can not change its natural instinct.

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