Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Concept of Babb in Shiagary

The Concept of Babb in Shiagary

All the followers of the “12 Immami Shiia” sect are taught, by the mullahs, to hate the concept of “Babb” while the Babb idea is the basic principle and foundation of the sect devised by a prominent mullah named Osman bin Said regarding the coming of “Mehdi” (Immaami Zaman).

The emergence of Shiia sect:

The patriotic Iranians of the first through third century Tazi calendar were constantly campaigning against the Arab invaders with the goal of ending the occupation. The struggle was multifaceted which consisted of; military fighting, gorilla fighting, and intellectual/ideological campaigning.
In regard to the military campaigns; the most famous leaders of the Iranian freedom fighters, in different period of time, were:

1-Abu Moslem Khorasani (Behzaadaan) who in the year 132 Tazi (750 AD) had overthrown the Bany Ommayeh clan and installed the Bany Abbas clan as the keepers of Khalifat. His ultimate goal was, in an opportune time, to oust the Arabs from Iran but he was killed by Mansour the second Khalifeh of Abbasi who became Khalifeh with the help of Abu Moslem. Mansour trapped Abu Moslem by inviting him to his house as a guest and then killed him in a cowardly manner. Please read:
 داستان ابوسلیم
                                                                                            داستان کوتاه زندگی یک ایرانی
در زمان یورش تازیان 
written in Persian by Maziar Aptin. It can be down loaded for free.

2- Babak Khorramdin the great patriot of Azarapadegan engaged in, over two decades of, gorilla fighting against Khalifat. Finally in the year 224 Tazi (829 AD) was betrayed and captured by his ambitious Iranian friend and supposedly his ally named “Afshin”. Babak was torture killed by Khalifeh Mostasam in accordance with the verse 5:33 of the Quran,

3-The Maziar Karan story: After the completion of the occupation of most parts of Iran in 651 AD the Arabs, for years, had tried to occupy Tapourestan (present day Mazandaran) with no success. Finally the parties had signed a treaty in which; Tapourstan had to pay yearly tributes (Kharaage) to the Khalifat; Arab investors had the right to purchase real estate and do business in Tapourestan; the Arabs had the right to have ambassadors of Khalifeh in Tapourestan; a close relative of the Espahbod of Tapourestan should be designated as an ambassador to the Khalifat court (in other word a hostage). In return the Arabs would not take any aggressive action against Tapourestan.

When Maziar Karan (Gharoon in Arabic) became the Espahbod of Tapourestan he had decided to end all Arab influences in his country. He ousted and or killed all Arabs in Tapourestan and imprisoned all Tapourestani Muslims and destroyed all Musks. In response Khalifeh Mostasam had sent his army several times for the occupation of Tapourestan and the capture of Maziar but they were defeated every time. Finally Mostasam asked and acquired the help of Abdullah Taher the Amir of Khorasan (an Iranian dynasty). As a result in the year 225 Tazi (830AD) Tapourestan was defeated by the Arabo/Taherian coalition forces and Maziar was captured by his Khorasani countrymen and was sent to Arabia to be executed by an Arab.

Note: After the initial several unsuccessful attacks by the coalition forces Tapourestan was surrounded for nine long months with no hostile activities by either sides. After nine months of boring inactivity the Khorasani and Tapouri solders in two different sides of the wall, speaking the language, made friends to a point that occasionally the Tapouries used to open the gate (mostly at night time) and play games with the Khorasanies. The news got around and one of those nights Hassan Taher, Abdullah’s brother who was the commander of the Khorasani force made the entry. Subsequently Maziar was captured and was sent to Arabia to be executed but he took the poison in Khalifehs’ prison to avoid humiliation of execution in Islamic style, the way that Babak was executed the year before

In regard to ideological campaign: It started in the late first century/early second century Tazi; a group of patriotic Iranians had formulated the creation of a new religious sect with the intention of creating religious division among the Arabs. The plan would create a religious difference between the Alavies and their affiliated tribes against other Arab tribes. Supposedly that would create a new front for the expulsion of the Arabs. The group had approached Abu Moslem Khorasani to join them but he rejected that idea and preferred to fight the Arabs with his sword.

The formula was set to claim that Ali the son of Abu Taleb was the legitimate successor of Mohammed and should have been the first Khalifeh, his older son Hassan the second, and younger son Hussein the third Khalifeh. Of course, as we know now, the plan did not work and the future generations of the founding fathers of the sect fell into the trap that was intended for the Arabs. The sect became known as “Shiia three-immami”. Later-on the sect stretched into seven imams; Mohammad Taqi (Taghi) being the number seven. This group became known as “Shiia Seven Immami”.
But there were groups of people who could not live without imam; Mohammad Taqi had two sons; Esmail and Reza. One group from Mazandaran made Esmail their imam which became known as “Ferghehy Esmaillieh”. The Esmailliehs were ultra fanatics with cult mentality which had terrorized Mazandaran and the nearby regents.

Note: To address the complain made by Pope Innocent IV a decision was made in 1248 AD in Qaraqurum, Mongolia by the Grand Khan “Guyuk” to protect the Christian and the Nestorian merchants from the aggression of the Muslims which had made the Silk Road unsafe for non-Muslim merchants. After the death of Guyuk the new Grand Khan “Mongka” in 1251 had decided to give the viceroyalty of Iran to his younger brother Hulagu Khan and put him in charge of suppressing the two spiritual powers that still survived in Persia: Esmaillieh in Mazandaran and Abbasied in Baghdad. In 1256 the grand master of Esmaillieh, “Rokn ad-Din Kurshah” was captured and sent to Mongolia to the Grand Khan’s court which ended the Esmaillieh terrorist activities in Mazandaran and elsewhere. On the tenth of February 1258 Khalifeh Mostasam was captured and on February 20th he was executed Mongolian style. This ended over six centuries of Muslim tyranny.

The other group had picked Reza as imam number eight whose mausoleum at the present time is located in Mashhad, Khorasan. This group is known as “Shiia Asna Ashari” (twelve immami).

Imam number eleven’s name was “Hassan bin Ali Al, Askari” that had only one son who was born with certain illness. The child never recovered and died at the age of five. Three years later imam Askari who was only 28 years old had died with no son to keep the immamat going.
He died apparently suffering from a genetically transferable illness that was very common and incurable at that time.
The child born with the birth defect could be a confirmation of the syphilis suffering by the parents. 

The creation of “Babb concept”:

At the time that imam eleventh had died there was a reputable mullah by the name of Osman bin Said who wanted to keep the immamat establishment intact. After reading a few books about other older religions he came up with an idea and said that the eleventh imam’s five years old child did not die but he disappeared (became “Ghayeb”) and when the world becomes more chaotic he will appear again to save the world from chaos and injustice and named him Mehdi. Osman also had said that Mehdi has appointed him as a "gate"(Babb) between himself and his followers to be able to communicate with the faithful. That idea became accepted by the ignorant faithfuls.

The Reign of original Babbs:

1-Osman bin Said
2-Mohammad bin Osman (his son)
3-Hossein bin Rooh
4-Mohammad bin Ali Seymari
The total duration of the reign of the four Babbs mentioned above was seventy years. Before his death Seymari declared that there is no need for any more Babb after me. He said that Mehdi will appear when the time is right. Gradually the memory of Babb started to fade away and after several generations it was completely forgotten.

About 900 years had passed until in 1,200 Tazi (around 1783-4 AD) a Shiia mullah by the name of “Sheikh Ahmad Ahssai”, born in a village called Ahssa located in present day Saudi Arabia, who used to own and operate a Madresseh (religious school) in Mecca. Ahssai had number of Iranian students in his school. By reading many old books, Ahssai came across a book and found out about the Babb concept and had declared himself the Babb and created a sect named “Mazhabe Sheikhieh”.

The Reign of Secondary Babbs:

5-Sheikh Ahmad Ahssai, reigned 42 years.
6- Sayed Kazem Rashti, student of Ahssai reigned 17 years who died in 1843 AD.
 Before his death Sayed Kazem did not designate the next Babb and declared that the Mehdi is coming soon in the body of any human that he wishes and there is no need for any Babb after I am gone. This created a vacuum in the leadership of the Sheikhieh sect and started a rivalry between the students of Sayed Kazem. Three students of Sayed K. declared themselves the leader of the sect:

a) Hajji Karim Khan Qajar declared himself the Babb and his followers became known as “Karimkhani”.
b) Hajji Mírzá Shafi Tabrizi declared himself as the leader of the Sheikhieh sect.
c) Sayed Ali Mohammad Shirazi declared himself as the Babb.
This young-man who was only 27 years old had managed in assembling a large number of followers, mostly intellectuals, including the famous Iranian feminist "Tahereh (Ghorratol Eyn)", Shaykh Mirza Azal Noori, his brother, Mirza Hossein Ali Noori, later-on known az Bahaullah.
His idea was to end Islam in Iran as we know it. He started an arm struggle against the governments of Mohammad Shah and later Naseraldin Shah. He finally was captured and executed in city of Tabriz. After his execution his followers went underground and continued their activities for sometimes which is a different story.

Even though that the followers of the twelve immami Shiia sect do believe in the disappearance of the twelfth Imam and the concept of Mehdi and his coming back but the leaders of the Shiia sect, in Sheikh Ahmad Ahssai  period, did not accept the Babb part and consequently that part of the story became a taboo and stayed a taboo among the twelve immamis ever since. This has created a new division among the followers of allah.

Maybe the concept of "Marja Taghlid" which emerged during the Safavid or "Velayat Faghih" that they came up with lately are the replacement for the Babb concept because they all serve similar purpose and that is; doing the work of the twelfth Imam while he is Ghayeb.

PS.I:  For Safavied era Shiiagary please read my article "What is wrong with us, the Iranians"

PS. II: The Bahai religion was founded based on the above concept but most Bahais do not know the detail about the origin of Baab, they are only told from Shaykh Ahmad Ahssai period onward and the most concentration is on Sayed Ali Mohammad Shirazi who is the second personalty in Bahai religion, after Bahaullah himself.

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